This article was written in the most obscure time, when it was clear, that dark forces were preparing the arrest of N. E. Alyoshin. The article was published by his friends and disciples in the journal "Rice of Russia" 1999, v. 7, № 1 (18), p. 29 - 49.
This jounal issue was printed in fact undergroundly - when N. E. Alyoshin was in prison. The publication was the unique act of the moral support for the arrested scientist. Lower we put the copy of the article, having been made from one of the existing journal exemplars.
Alyoshin N.E., Alyoshina N.V., Koff N.E., Alyoshin V.N., Alyoshina N.N., Alyoshin E.P.
In the middle of February 1999 the first of the
authors of this article had a strange talk with the postwoman. The noble
representative of this profession, serving in our district,
refused to carry into our address the parcel from Japan, alleging it's super weight. The first author was to visit personally the
Krasnodar Main Post delivery department, where received he the named parcel.
That was the gift of the Japanese Government, which through
it's Food and Agriculture Policy Research Center (FAPRC)
in the person of the FAPRS Board Director mister Shiro Okabe presented
the most luxurious edition in four volumes, named
«Science of
the Rice Plant». The first volume (1) - «Morphology» - contains 690 pages, printed on the
splendid paper, has thousands of citations in the scientific apparatus, hundreds of beautiful pictures. It appeared in
Tokyo in 1993 in English author the
translation of the corresponding Japanese volume. The second one (2) - the same way luxurious
volume - «Physiology» - was published
in the mentioned place and in the mentioned manner in 1995, and contains 1248 pages. The third (3) (1008 pages
«Genetic»), and the fourth (4) (190 pages,
«Indices») volumes appeared to light in the end of 1997.
The Japanese Government officially considers
this edition the National treasure and presents it to the most outstanding rice
scientists of the planet Earth as the award
for their contribution into the science about rice. To receive such a gift was as honorable as pleasant.
Especially, as it was known to us, that it had been awarded to such persons as doctor Rothschild (the former
director of the International Rice
Research Institute in the Philippines) and doctor Obien (the PhilRice director), with whom the first
author was personally acquainted and knew about their high appreciation of the
named Japanese bibliographical treasure.
This estimation was shared - sincerely and in full - by
us, when we sank into the gigantic ocean of the innumerable facts about rice,
having been gathered by the Japanese coryphaei during nearly
two thousands years of the rice cultivation in Japan. This sinking superimposed
itself upon the sinking into the other scientific ocean - the
ocean of thoughts about the nature of the alive. This -second -
ocean was caused with our meditations upon the works of the participants
of the International Symposium in Crimea («2000 Years of Christianity and It's
Contribution to Medicine, Science and Society», Dneper Sanatorium, Miskhor, Yalta, 20-23 May 1998.):
Georges Carillet (USA), Bruce Little (USA), Yanovsky S.S. (Ukrain), John Patrick and his
wife Sally Patrick (the reminiscences about their wit and hard principles of morality - the great help
in our work), O.G. Syropyatov (Ukrain), John Hess (USA), Ron Jurgensen (USA), Rick Yount (USA; thank you for
the support, Rick!), Scott Grooms (USA), my wonderful interlocutor and friend
Jeff Fountain (New Zealand - Holland), Kenneth Kemp (USA). The symposium discussions, in a
big extent, were circling around the ideas of professor Kemp, that the evolution teaching did not
contradict the Christianity (5). These ideas with the decision of the Roman
Pope John Paul II (1997) were
declared the official position of the Catholic church. In the Kemp's (i.e. John Paul IPs)
opinion «creation is productio totius substantiae ex nihilo sui et subiecti»; evolution, in it's turn, is
«the development of the presently observable diversity and complexity from an earlier
homogenous and simple state». In such a case no doctrine of the exnihilation does contradict
the theory of a change
(and vice versa), becaus the latter (as distinct from the Absolute Creation - i.e.
exnihilation) is the Derivative Creation, that is «formation of any thing by
God in this way: that the preceding matter has been created with the potentiality to evolve from it,
under suitable conditions, all various forms it subsequently assumes» (5). Such an idea, in
principle, contains nothing surprising for anybody, who is acquainted with the works
of Nicolaus Cusanus, which works are transpierced with the category of «being - possibility» (or
«possest») (6,7).
The views of Kemp were especially actively
attacked by the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church
abroad in the Motherland father Timophey Alpherov (Gatchinah), having
declared, that the recognition of the origins of one species of the alive creatures from the other ones was the
recognition of the fact, that «God had chosen death as a tool
of his creation; and in such a God we do not want to Trust!» (A funny position,
is not it ?). Here it is clearly seen the influence of the hieromonk Seraphim (Rose),
thinking, that the recognition of the idea of evolution certainly means the
origin of one species from the other ones, understood as - one creatures from
the others, with the presence of the death, as the creative force, that is
quite unacceptable at all, and in relation to human being - in particular (8).
The very first acquaintance with the ideas of
Rev. Timophey and hieromonk Seraphim led to the thought, that they badly
understood the essence of the alive
organisms death, as well as the essence of the biological species. This misunderstanding
in itself alone pushed far in the back view their non-acceptance (or ignorance, or once again misunderstanding) of the main
Kemp distinction between the Absolute
Creation and the Derivative Creation. Therefore it has seemed necessary to compare the essence of the biological
species and the essence of the alive organisms death with the Bible. This
necessity was even more strengthened
with the talks of the article authors one with another in Krasnodar after the symposium; the talks and the
correspondence with the splendid
scientific creationist doctor S.L. Golovin (Sympheropol); the correspondence
with the doctor of medical sciences, professor A.N. Makarenko (Kiev); the talks of the authors with the
specialist on the Biblical literature Yu.V. Skopylatov; with the big organizer of the missionary work S.A. Borodin;
with the man, having gifted us the
idea of the necessity of the regular comparison of the scientific ideas with the Scripture, the
former prisoner of conscience and victim of the psychiatric repressions A.M.
Antipyonok (the latter two persons have given us a big support); with the well-known businessman A.N. Eropkin;
and , at last, with the new stage of correspondence with the outstanding
organizer of
the science-technical propagation of Christianity - Ziden
L. Nutt («Good News productions, Internationals», Joplin, Missouri, USA).
The superimposition of these two oceans - Christian - theology
- philosophical with the Euro-American mentality and
natural-scientific-oryzological with the Japanese mentality - has
occurred in the point, connected with the multiformity of species in the Oryza
genus (and even more - in the subfamily of Oryzoideae).
That is the way the things were. Having begun to
acquaint with the Japanese rice treasure, we were very
much surprised with the fact, that in this edition, it
seemed, there was no uniformity of the views upon any question. Two of the
authors of the present article have formulated the united and monolithic view
on all the things, connected with rice (9, 10)/ For us it
is closer such - pure author, original, self - made, if you want - an approach.
All the Japanese, well, consists of the myriad of the separate
scientific miniatures, frequently contradicting to one
another. (Not for nothing, probably, the Japanese literature mentality has it's base in «Man-yo-shu», i.e. «Collection of the Myriad of
Leaves» or «Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves») (11).
How can one esteem such a difference ? One can think,
it has taken place an element of the epiphany here. Therefore we have
understood: the contradictions between the miniatures of the Japanese edition
are in reality not the contradictions, but only objective
(in Buddhistic manner not touching the inner mirror essence of the thing)
reflection of the contradictions, existing in the brains of human beings, in the brains of scientists, in our case - of
systematists, taxonomists, evolutionists, philosophers and theologians. And it
is namely our solid view upon rice
which is striking out of these contradictions the spark of the epiphany.
Let us explain this.
Yoshio WATANABE in his article «Morphological characters of the
wild species in the genus Oryza» (1, p.23-30) report, that the classification
of the genus Oryza is
still «confused» even today (we would remind, that we are speaking about most widely cultivated
cereals of the planet, having been grown for 10000
years!). According to Watanabe, Roschevicz (1931) picked
out in the genus 19 species of rice. Chevalier (1932) described 23 species.
The same number of them was counted by Chatterjee (1948).
Chose (1956) picked out 21 species of rice, Sampath (1966) - 23 species, while
Sharma and Shastry (1971) - 28 species. Let us not enumerate here even more
diffuse derivatives, such as: subspecies, varieties, forms, proles, sections,
etc. Let us limit ourselves namely with the species. Watanabe writes, that
Sampath recognizes Oryza officinalis and Oryza malam-puzhaensis as the
separated species (it is thought, that the first is diploid with 24 chromosomes and genome B, while the second is tetraploid, with 48 chromosomes
and genomes В and C). Tateoka (1963), in his turn, recognizes Oryza malampuzhaensis only as the
subspecies of Oryza officinalis. Oka (1963) used in his works the species Oryza perennis , but the
following evolutionists, the most significant of whom was the author of the «theory of
scattered genes from Gondwanaland» T.T. Chang (1976), divided that species in
wild annual Oryza nivara and wild
perennial Oryza rufipogon (i.e. they had the division in the perennially, that seems rather
strange for the describers of the species). Namely these species are straightly being stood as the
predecessors of Oryza sativa. However, while all these species are similar botanically, one has to
pick out some superspecies
taxon - «complex» «perennis - sativa» (9, 10).
Let us return from our comments again to the
Japanese treasure, now to the third it's volume (3). The
same Yo. Watanabe puts here (p.29-39) his new article «Phylogeny and geographical
distribution of genus Oryza». The article is surprisingly interesting in a number of
parameters. But we, in our context, are interested in that, how different authors of
species Oryza regarded the species of one another. (We ask the reader not to lode from the
view the funny denomination - «the author of the species», which, in itself,
brings us to the thought, that something here is rotten). Thus, Roschevicz inside the species Oryza
sativa isolated the form
spontanea. Chevalier declared it the species Oryza fatua. Chatterjee declared
it, in his turn, the fatua variety of Oryza sativa. Sampath again decided, that it was the species -
Oryza rufipogon; he was supported by Tateoka, as well as by Nayar (having done, as a truth, a
reservation, that it was an annual
form). Sampath picked out Oryza perennis, but Nayar considered it only
as the perennial form of Oryza rufipogon. In the same form
reckoned he also the ac-quatica form of Oryza sativa by Roschevicz. The latter
described the species Oryza longistaminata, whiie
Chevalier declared it the species Oryza barthii, and then - the
species Oryza perennis (subspecies longistaminata). Chatterjee returned to it
the state of the species Oryza perennis, Sampath considered it as Oryza
barthii, the same opinion was of Tateoka's, and Nayar returned to the species
Oryza longistaminata. Roschevicz isolated the species Oryza dewilde-manii,
Chevalier declared it Oryza barthii, the same was done by Tateoka; Chatterjee reckoned that rice among the species Oryza perennis, while Nayar -
among the species Oryza longistaminata. Prodoehl described
the species Oryza grandiglumis; this state was kept by Roschevicz, Chatterjee, Tateoka and
Nayar; but Chevalier attributed it to Oryza latifolia (variety grandiglumis), while Sampath - simply of Oryza latifolia.
Prodoehl described Oryza punctata, he
was followed by all the mentioned authors, except Chevalier, having had declared this plant Oryza officinalis, and then - Oryza
minuta (subspecies punctata).
Roschevicz described the species Oryza stapfii, Chevalier declared it Oryza glaberrima (subspecies stapfii), while Sampath and
Tateoka considered it Oryza breviligulata. Prodoehl wrote about Oryza mezii;
Roschevicz, Chevalier, Chatterjee, Sampath and Tateoka declared this
plant Oryza breviligulata, while Nayar - Oryza
barthii. Oryza alta by Chatterjee was reckoned by Sampath to Oryza latifolia. Oryza schwenfurthiana (by
Prodoehl, Roschevicz, Nayar is Oryza
minuta (subspecies punctata) by Chevalier, Oryza punctata (by Chatterjee and
Tateoka), Oryza eichingeri by Sampath. Oryza officinalis (by Prodoehl, Roschevicz, Chatterjee, Sampath and Nayar) is Oryza
punctata (or Oryza minuta subspecies
officinalis) by Chevalier, or the officinalis subspecies of the same Oryza officinalis by Tateoka. Oryza
malampuzhaensis was discussed above. Sampath
picked out Oryza ubhangensis, while Tateoka considered it nomina nuda form (but was not agree with Sampath). The
same did he with Oryza jey-porensis,
which was recognized by Nayar. Oryza granulata (by Prodoehl) was declared Oryza meyeriana (subspecies granulata)
by Tateoka. The species Oryza
meyeriana, in itself, was recognized
by Prodoehl and Nayar. Tateoka considered this there species as subspecies
meyeriana of the same species. Chevalier Oryza meyeriana to Oryza granulata,
while Roschevicz - to the mixture of the species Oryza granulata and Oryza
abromeitiana. Prodoehl, followed by Roschevicz and Nayar, picked out Oryza
abromeitiana; while Chevalier, Chatterjee, Sam-path considered it Oryza
meyeriana; Tateoka, in his turn, considered it subspecies abromeitiana of Oryza
meyeriana. Oryza coarctata (by Prodoehl, Roschevicz, Chevalier, Chatterjee,
Sampath, Tateoka) is at all by the opinion of Nayar, not a rice, but a
representative of genus Sclerophyllum. In the same way Oryza an-gustifolia (of
Sampath and Tateoka) was declared by Nayar Leersia angustifo-lia. Prodoehl (as
well as Roschevicz, Chevalier, Chatterjee and Sampath) recognized Oryza
subulata, while Tateoka and Nayar declared it the according species of genus
Rhynchoryza. Oryza perrieri (by Chevalier, Chatterjee, Sampath, Tateoka) was
declared Leersia perrieri by Nayar. In the same way he named Leersia tisseranti
that thing, which Sampath and Tateoka considered Oryza tis-seranti.
shall not further tire the reader with the details of the taxonomists war. Let
us watch (very briefly) to the studies of genetics, described in the article of
T. Katayama (3, p. 39 - 48). He writes, that there are some systems of rice
genomes description: the system A, B, C, D...; the system pOM, etc. But even in
the same systems the genomes of the plants, being reckoned to one and the same
species, are being described in different way. E.g., Oryza glaberrima has by
Morinaga the AA genome, while by Yeh and Henderson - the ЕЕ one. Oryza officinalis has by Morinaga the CC genome, by Bouharmont
- OO, by Hu and Chang - BB. Oryza punctata is by Sampath a diploid (24 chromosomes)
and has CC genome; by Katayama and Ogawa it has genome BB; by Hu and Chang - it
is tetraploid (48 chromosomes) with the genome BBCC. The same regards Oryza
eichingeri: by Nezu it has BBCC genome (48 chromosomes), while by Katayama - CC
(24 chromosomes).
And so on to endlessness.
Here we want to turn the attention to the fact,
that the absolute significance of the genetical
differences is a myth; that genetical structures, in their-selves, are not
more, than the other, in comparison with the bodies, level of the material
carriers of the biological information; that they are not the essence of this information. Therefore, for example, pronounced as insuperable
interspecies obstacle, the chromosome differences are, in
reality, not the such one. They are permanently being broken in nature (here
from are all the theories of the intro-gressive
hybridization) (3); they are easily being overcome during the fusion of protoplasts, e.g., of rice and lettuce (1), of rice and azolla (12). Furthermore,
99% of all DNA (genetical material of the cells) are «silent», i.e. they do not
express theirselves, do
no show theirselves visually in the life of cells and multicellular organisms. The main mass of DNA
exists, as if for itself, using the expressing itself DNA as the «service staff», which
informationally controls the synthesis of proteins, necessary for the
construction of cells and their systems of higher hierarchical levels. These systems are inclined to
think, that DNA is working for them, and to be puzzled - what is such a big amount of «silent» DNA for ?
But about this - some later.
It is thought, that out of the exposed material
becomes clear the question: what do the systematists work
with ? What are the taxonomists at war about ? What is
the nature of the biological species (and taxons at all) ?
The endless fight of the creationists against
the evolutionary theories (not, that there are many of such
theories, and not at all the only one; and, furthermore,
not at all the theory of Darwin, who has very many theories upon different items, which
are today in the most part the historical value, except, of course, the theory of the species origin) comes
out of the prejudice, consisting of the idea, that biologist - systematist
considers every biological species the separate creature, which inevitable originates during the evolution from the
other creature (8); or, that is even worse, as if taxonomist thinks, that the
species are the perfect objects,
appearing by themselves in some mysterious way (without God) in the beginning of beginnings, and then,
though they are isolated, originating one from another.
This prejudice arose
out of the huge pride of human being, when the biologists of all the world in
the united impulse bent themselves in front of Carolus Linnaeus, having had
created his system of nature, based on the binary nomenclature. It seemed,
here! - the genious had found himself, who had finished the labour, given to
Adam by God, - to name all the creatures (Gen., 2:19); and, furthermore, who
had restored their names in one language, lost after the Babel tower
construction (Gen., 11:1-9). Alas! And Adam had been got out the Edem, and
Carolus Linnaeus had not been with us for a long time, but the human being has
been continuing to call the creatures with different names; putting that
nomination into the centre of biology, into the centre of the contact of
biology and theology, and keeping the endless debates about this item. Cunning
debates. The system of Linnaeus seemed to him and to his admirers the
wreath of the biology efforts in the systematization of the Alive. Alas! It, in
reality, appeared only to be the genial beginning of the construction
of the vast amount of systems and classifications, which seem complicating
themselves till the endlessness. The species, which, would the Linnaeus system
be the only one, could have been considered the approximate description of the
God's creature, is washed away and spread among the great number of systems and
appears to be only the object of the systematics, existing only in the head of
a taxonomist, and not at all the description of the creature, and what is more,
- not of the Absolute Creature.
is the sence of speaking upon origin of species ? What for is it necessary to
prove, that species originate or not originate one from another ? For the
purpose, that the systematists, having been constructing the systems, saw (the
eyes of Adam have opened themselves!), that all the organisms, which were different
in some features, made up, allegedly, at the same time the continuous chain of
transitions. Here from is a temptation: to say, that the species do originate
one from another. And from that one comes out the next temptation: to understand
the first one in such a way, that the creatures (as creatures) originate from
one another; and even to make the position more cruel - originate without God.
The funniest thing
consists in the idea, that those temptations as if come out of Darwin's book «The Origin of species», and against it, as against some object,
contradicting to the Bible, is supposedly necessary to fight.
we have come to the book of Darwin. Let us look into it. At first, it is clear,
that, if this book has appeared not by the straight will of God, in such a case
it has been connived by Him. A vast problem of the relation of the connivence
and of the evolution (as possibilities) we are to put aside for the time being,
because, in the other case, we should not tame the self-growing text. We should
note only, that, if the Kemp's logics is used, the misty term «connivence» receives the philosophical transparency of the above
mentioned Derivative Creation (5), as well as the Grace corresponds with the
Absolute Creation. At second, the book of Darwin, being the Splendid example of
the theoretical investigation and English language (and scien-tifical language
at all), contains in itself the essence of his theory, and also the great
number of facts, which have no connection with the essence. Let us take a good
look at the essence of that book. Nowhere in it is said how Life did appear. In
the book it is said namely about species.
(Here note, that the English Bible of King James easily goes away from
the future contradictions, using in Genesis (1:24-25) translation the term
«kind», and not the term «by their genus», which the Russian and the Slavonic
Bibles do use, that makes the possibility of these terms fastenning to the
taxonomy; even more possibility is given by
Vulgata, giving the terms «genera» and «species».
the essence of that, what Darwin says, is with a surprising manner hidden in
the book's name, which, as a rule, is abridged, that originates a great number
of absurdities. Thus, the title of Darwin's book is: «The
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the preservation of Favoured
Races in the Struggle for Life» (13). In Russian variant we give here the
literal translation of the combination «naturalnaya selectsiya», because the
traditional Russian translation «yestestvenniy otbor» is rather good, but it hides the fact, that it was namely
Darwin, who had introduced into the
scientifical turnover the term «selection» (instead of the previously used term «breeding»), and by this, had become the
founder of the whole practical science.
let us return to the book itself. Read once more into the title and answer the
question: whether Darwin says about the origin of species from one another (accordingly,
creatures from one another, etc., etc.) ? No. He says about the origin of species.
And whether «the origin of species» is identical to «the origin of
species from one another»? In no measure. We dare asseverate this. And to
asseverate it, coming out of Darwin himself. The surprised reader would ask:
and what about in such a case does that Darwin write ? About the following.
us take his famous chapter upon the pigeons. Darwin says, that we have the huge
multiformity of the most different pigeons breeds. And if the systematists have
met them in nature, and not in the columbaria, they would in one voice have
considered them the different species. But we have the thousand years dove
genealogies, being kept as great value. We have the thousand years columbaria
(such pigeons - houses some part of this article authors was happy to watch in
Jersey, for example, in Samare-Manor). And we wittingly know, that all this is
one and the same dove. And the systematist is obediently nodding his head: yes,
this is one and the same species. And why
is it so multiformious ? Well, because in consequence of time and space
isolation with some representatives of the species in the endless turn of it's generations were kept in the revealed form the
different combinations of the potentialities, which it had possessed
from the very beginning. So replies the systematist. And in the same time,
having met the differentiy looking organisms in nature, he says, that «these are the different species».
In reality, - it comes
out of the book of Darwin, - the continuous totality of the Alive does exist.
But it exists in the form of the separate individuals, isolated in time and
space. Such an isolation leads the temporal and spacious revealing of the
different potentialities. Such namely temporally revealing themselves
combinations of the features are called species by the systematist. They do
appear and originate only in the head of the systematist and namely in
consequence of the fact, that he, as a man, has not the enough power to embrace
in his view all the continuous multiformity of the Alive, but sees only it's
discrete manifestations. That is all, what Darwin said.
The contents of his tremendous book,
coming out the limits of this construction, is the attempt to explain the mechanism of accumulating of
different features in the different points of the biological time and
space. Here Darwin was successful in the clearing
up the role of the natural selection, but he did not succeed in the explanation
of the facts of the different features hereditary transfer. One used to
consider, that such an explanation was given by Mendel and the following
genetists. But we dare say, that Mendel, the chromosome theory and molecular
biology do only explain further the begun by Darwin explanation of the process
mechanism. But the essence of the process (and along with it - the essence of
Darwin's conception) was explained by
Weismann (14). He, having not known the biological nature of the postulated
by him objects (the discovered much more later chromosomes, genes, DNA, etc.),
had declared, that in every alive organism the «germ
plasm» and «body» («soma») did exist. They do separate from one another at once
after the fertilization. The germ plasm forms around itself (from the cells - slaves)
the body. This body considers itself the wreath of the nature, and thinks, that
the plasm carries the hereditary information for it. In reality, the body is
only the temporal hamlet, the temporary dress of the germ plasm. The body is
mortal, temporal, transient. While the germ plasm is, in potentiality,
immortal. (The analogous structure can be looked through inside the cell - watch higher about the «silent» DNA). The
bodies are separated in time and in space. Thus, in one or another body, and
more correctly - in their group, these or those peculiarities of theirs are
being kept, which peculiarities we call species (in the systematical
sence). No relation with the Creation those species do not have got (expect, of
course, with the features of the systematist's brain, which is also the
creature). Evidently, the Absolute Creature is the composition of the Breathing
of Life and the dust, clay (Gen., 2:7). In it, in potentiality, are rolled up
all the future and able to unroll combinations of the features of the alive
beings, which combinations in the determined point of time and space are given
to us in the contemplation of the bodies-hamlets, which are temporal, but in
the determined time moment encircle the potentially immortal germ plasm. In
such a situation, all the
huge knowledge, kept by the human
being, are in potentiality hidden in his DNA; and the DNA potentialities are
hidden in the crystal grid of clay, to which the man returns, constructing his
computers on the basis of silicon (15).
the biological system - the couple of the immortal germ plasm (it, sure, can be killed as a concrete manifestation -
the cell, DNA, etc. - but it cannot be murdered, as the DNA
potentiality, the potentiality of the information grid, the potentiality of
the atoms features - so on, till the endlessness) and bodies - huts, bodies - dresses
- can function in the other way ? No, it cannot.
it is given in the Bible revelation, while Darwin and Weismann have only made us understand the sence of that
revelation from their point of view, while the authors of this article have
gone on to do this for the modern reader.
us explain this thesis with the example of the man. He was created in the Image
and after the likeness of God (Gen., 1:26). Upon those categories let us listen
to the father of the western and eastern philosophy Plato: «And here when the Father had seen, that the born by him... was moving
and living, he rejoiced and in the triumph intended to make the creation even
more like the model. But because the model is revealing in itself the eternally
alive being..., the nature of that being is eternal, and this cannot be in full
transferred to anything born. Thus he intended to create some dynamic likeness
of the eternity;... he... creates for the eternity, being in the entity, the
eternal also image, moving from number to number, which we have called time» (16).
Thus, the time is the
dynamic image of the eternity, moving from number to number. Human being has
been created in time - in the dynamic image of the Eternity; he also has the
eternal and preeternal Breathing of Life, which gives him the likeness of God.
Thus, any biological system consists of two components - temporal (soma) and
eternal (germ plasm).
connection with the above - stated, those things, which we call the biological
species are neither primordial creatures (of the Absolute Creation), nor the
creatures, originated from the primeval ones (i.e. not the objects of Absolute
and con-
stantly going
on Creation). They are the dynamic image of the biological component of me Absolute Creation (first of
all - in the brains of man: either taxonomist, or the simple spectator). And,
on the high account, the constant moving, the dynamicness of this image
constitute in fact the thing, which Kemp calls the Derivative Creation.
us compare it, for example, with the state of liquid water (17). It consists of the crystal-like very briefly living
(billionth parts of the second) structures - the so called «twinkling clusters». They do constantly appear and decay, while water
remains water. Those things, which systematist calls the species, are the
twinkling clusters in the fluid breathing of life, eternally flowing and
twinkling with the clusters of clay bodies features; with it's scintillating
giving one of the components of the Image of God. The constant presence of the
Breathing of Life makes the system be in the likeness of God. The Breathing of
Life is unbroken for every creature from the Absolute Creation - through the
continuum - the untearness, if you want - nir-vanity (23) - of the germ plasm;
through the uninterruptedness of the generations turn (9, 10 - paragraph
is the departure of the twinkling biological (dusty) shell. Thus, the «organic evolution» is not the creating with death or the development by
means of death (the thought upon which has shaken the faith of Rev. Timophey
Alpherov); as well as the change of the clothes is not the death of a person,
changing the clothes. We have the straight
Life from the Saint Spirit, breather into the clay (in which in the mystic
omnipotence all the possible information is rolled up), and the clay of this
was plunged into the water (firmament with waters above and under).
The meaning of the
shells dance and the calmness of the germ plasm is hidden in the structure of
the ratio: the soul, being with the God, and temporal cosmos-changing,
tormenting itself. The germ plasm is eternity; the shells are the dynamic image
of it.
Here we would want to
note, that, it one can trust to Daniel Granin (24), this ratio was accepted also by such coryphaei of
science as N.V. Timopheev-Ressovskiy and Max Planck. According to
Granin, they believed in the soul immortality; in the
«launching» of life by God with the further it's moving in itself- in
the way of evolution. The idea of «launching» by God clearly shows, that they
namely understood the evolution in the Platonic sence - as the dynamic image of
the eternity.
of course, it is necessary to give the self- account, that the giant problem of
the other ratio arises - the ratio between the personal soul and germ plasm
(which includes contraception, abortions, cloning, medical and biological
ethics, etc.). This problem needs separate detailed investigation, with which,
if the God let, we shall be busy later. At the time being, we shall limit
ourselves with two notes. At first, the just mentioned problem can be withdrawn
with the faith into the Absolute Creation of every individual soul (5). At
second, the Christian approach here is diametrically opposite to the approach of metempsychoses. The metempsychotics
believe, that one and the same soul endlessly migrates into the new
biological objects, not connected with the previous ones. The above stated
ideas, on the contrary, show, that the Absolutely Created soul of every the
person is connected with the body, which is the «newly
built hut» of the unbroken from the moment of the Absolute Creation biological
object - germ plasm.
to the ratio between the germ plasm and the soma, we shall say, that we see in it the biological image of
the Christian Hope (and Biblical Hatikvah, in general); as well as our dear
friend Jeff Fountain sees in the relation between the Christian spirit and the
endless change of the political shells the Hope for the Europe of the third
millennium (25).
Anyone, thinking in the
other way, is to concentrate on the idea of the death omnipotence, that is the
sin, that is connected with the suffering.
is connected with the suffering. It follows the sin - the knowledge of Good
(Eternity) and Evil (Temporality). The suffering, in its turn, is the misunderstanding of the way, how the God works with his
image and nonunderstanding of the likeness
of God in the continuos turn of the potentially immortal (possest) germ plasm.
sharpest description of suffering in time and from time was given by the
«There would have been a time for
such a word. To-morrow, and to- morrow, and
to- morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of
recorded time; And all yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out brief candle! Life's
but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the
stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound
and fury, Signifying nothing» (Macbeth, V, 5:18-28)
it is not surprisingly, that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is connected
in the Bible with the time. In this tree, in it's name - a vast mystery. Many
asked the question: why is this tree associated with the apple-tree ? We have
replied this question (19, 20, 21, watch
also the first page of the j ournal jacket). Now we are asked the other
question: how is the tree of Knowledge of good and evil connected with the time
? Let us remember, that saint Paul says: «Redeeming
the time, because the days are evil» (Eph.,
5:16). The Bible of King James here straightly uses the term «evil»,
i.e. «the days are evil». The time is straightly called the evil. Further,
Jesus, teaching the disciples to pray (Mt., 6:9-13), says: «... but deliver us
from evil». This is very important moment, because in Russian and Slavonic
Bibles in these places (Eph., 5:16; Mt., 6:9-13) is used the term «cunning»
(literally «lukavogo» in Russian). Vulgata here insists on it's famous term
«malo», that gives the play on words again («deliver us from evil» or «deliver
us from apples») (watch 19). And Russian, as well as Slavonic texts, connected
with the Septuagint, connected with the labours of Cyril and Methodius, sent by
the Roman Pope, insist on the term «cunning». And here the mystery partly discloses itself, because in the Slavonic Bible
(22) the tree of knowledge of good and evil is called (Gen., 2:9): «... tree
for reasonable understanding of good and cunning». Thus, the tree of good and
cunning. It turns out - of
eternal and temporal
(because cunning - are the days, i.e. time). We would remind you here, that in
the Hebraic variant for the name of the tree of good and evil for the latter
the word «rah» is used, which originates from the root
«raw-ah», literally meaning «to tear into pieces» or «to break into pieces» (27).
Hebraic is the Nostratic language. Thus, compare, the reader, the root «raw-ah»
with the other Nostratic -Russian - word «rwat» (to tear) and remember the
above written Nostratic passage upon the «nerwanost» (23) (as well as also
Nostratic - English - word «rag»). Well, one more reminiscence - «The time is
out of joint», - says Hamlet (I, V, 188) (28) (though it seems to the Russian
translation that he says: «The age is shaking», or «The walk of life is
deranged», or «Age is out of joint», or «The tie of times is disintegrated»,
that does not matter).
turns out, that the cunning - the devil - is making the man clutch at the time
and run from the eternity, tearing into pieces his soul!
In this running away
the human being suffers from the realizing of his exis-tentiality, his endness,
from the calculatingness of all, that is in the time, in the temporal image.
Let us remember, that time, according to Plato (16), moves «from number to number». And not for nothing St. John the Divine says
about the number of the beast, about calculation of the people, about the
numbers of the seals-Living in the dynamic image of the Eternity, being this
image (it's anthropological component), the man runs away from the Eternity,
not believing, that the Breathing of Life eternally
is likening him to the God. God constantly establishes the covenant with
the man. But it is not enough will in the dynamic image to see the likeness (or
the straight will appears - not to see it), and the suffer and run of the
temporal begin: to Adam was given the untemporality and the Eternal Life, while
he runs and hides from God, from the Eternity (Gen., 3:8-9). And here, he is
exorcised from the Paradise, and his progeny is nearly exterminated with the
Flood. The structure of the latter - the firmament with water above and water
under - is the structure, analogous to the Creation. It again repeats in Jonah
(Jonah, 1-2), that (remind man-dorla!) is the prophecy of the Christ being in
the sepulchre (26, watch also page 4 of
the journal jacket). (We shall note,
that such an interpretation is accepted also by the archbishop of Krasnodar and
Novorossiysk Isidor - watch., e.g., his speech, published in the newspaper «the Free
Kuban» for 13.03.1999, p. 1-2). The same structure repeats
itself also in the baptizing of Christ.
We cannot but note me
amazing symbol: the body of the Savior was put into the sepulchre in the middle
of the garden (and crucified, or transfixed - stauros or kakos - he was in the
middle of the garden - hortus) (John, 19:41). Taking into the account the above
brought ideas about mandorla, we see the splendid symbol: the fish of sacred in
the sacred garden. The Second Man again brings us into Biblical Garden - to the
Tree of Life. But the human beings, originating from the First Man and being
saved by the Second Man, again do not see it.
God establishes the covenant with all, saved after the flood (he himself chose
them, and whom chose - those save - in his Grace). He establishes the covenant
with every living creature (including all animals) and puts the bow as the
token of the covenant (Gen., 9:11-14). And what further ? The man does not
believe, that he is saved. Again he runs inside the time from the Eternity, and
everybody is exterminated with the endless
plagues, and the Covenant is again being established with Abraham (Gen., 15-18,
17:2), though, probably, also with Melchizedek (Gen., 14-18). But the progeny
of Abraham also runs away inside the time from the Eternity, waiting for the terrestrial king and worshipping the
terrestrial law. The Eternity - the Word -again comes to the human being, and the Word is crucified or transfixed (22).
And the firmest of the disciples thricely denied the Word (Mat, 26:69-75),
and satan (Mark, 8:33) speaks through that
disciple, and even after the baptizing with the Saint Spirit he again thricely
denies the God's words (Acts, 10:9-16)! And only to the most beloved disciple the Savior let learn and asseverate: «there should be time no longero (Rev., 10:6) (in Latin «quia tempus amplius non erit»;
in Greek «oti chronos uketi estai»).
And you, temporal biologically - social beings, having
understood the message of
the beloved disciple, go and carry this message to those temporal creatures,
who, giving themselves to the cunningness
of time, try to run away inside it from the Eter-
Teach them, that the salvation is to overcome the time cunningness and through
this overcoming to come to Eternity.
«Science of the Rice Plant». V.l.
«Morphology». (Ed. by Takane Matsuo and Ki-yochika Hoshikawa). Tokyo. FAPRC. 1993. 690 pp. (transl. from Jap.).
«Science of the Rice Plant». V.2.
«Physiology». (Ed. by Takane Matsuo, Kikuo Kumazawa, Ryuichi Ishii, Kuni Iskihara,
Hiroshi Hirata). Tokyo. FAPRC. 1995. 1248 pp. (transl. from Jap.).
«Science of the Rice Plant». V.3.
«Genetics». (Ed. by Takane Matsuo, Yuzo Fur-suhara, Fumio Kikuchi, Hikoyuki
Yamaguchi). Tokyo. FAPRC. 1997.
1008 pp. (transl. from Jap.).
«Science of
the Rice Plant». V.3. «Indices». Tokyo. FAPRC. 1997. 190 pp. (transl. from Jap.).
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and Creation». Paper presented at the International Symposium «2000 Years of
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and Society».
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6. Nicolaus Cusanus. Works. V.l.
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7. Nicolaus
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472 pp. (Rus., transl. from Lat. and comment, by A.F.
Losev, et al.).
Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose). «The Orthodox View upon the Evolution». Moscow. Ed. of Svyato-Vvedenskiy Monastery of the Optina Desert. 1997. 96 pp. (Rus.).
9. Alyoshin E.P., Alyoshin N.E. «Rice». Moscow. 1993.,
504 pp., 100
fig. (Rus.).
10. Alyoshin E.P., Alyoshin N.E. «Rice». (2-nd ed., revised and add.). Krasnodar. Journal «Ruce of
Russia» ed. 1997.,
V.5. №
3 (11). 506 pp., 101
fig. (The edition received the award of the Krasnodar
territory Administration for science).
(«Collection of the Myriad of Leaves»). In 3 vol. Vol.1. Moscow. Main
Ed.of Eastern Lit. 1971.
680 pp. (Rus., transl. from Jap.).
E.A.., Alyoshin N.E., Avakyan E.R. «The phenomenon of the existence of
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13. Darwin Ch. «The
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of
Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life». London. UK. «Senate» Ed. 1994. (Printed
in Guernsey). 472 pp. (Fax. ed. from the sixth - the last - in Darwin's
lifetime ed. of 1872).
14. Weismann A. «Das Keimplasma. Eine Theorie der Veverbung».
Jena. 1892.
N.E. «Upon the structures». - «Rice of Russia». 1994. V.2, №
2. pp. 9-13. (and in the: Alyoshin N.E. «Oryzology against obscurantism».
Oxford. 1996.
36 pp.,
22 fig. Published by Chris Browne Associates, London. Watch pp. 30-31).
«Timaeus» (37, d-e). In: «Plato. Works in 4 volumes.
V.3». Moscow. «Mysl» ed. 1994.
P.421-500 (p.439-440). (Rus., transl. from Anc.
17. Lehninger A.L.
«Biochemistry». Moscow. «Mir»
Ed. 1974. 960 pp. (Rus., transl. from Engl.).
18. Shakespeare W. «Macbeth». In: «The Riverside SHAKESPEARE». Houghton Mifflin Company.
Boston, etc., 1974, 1932 pp.; pp.1306-1342 (p.1337).
Alyoshina N.V., Alyoshina N.N., Alyoshin N.E. «Biblical Garden. Communication 5: Apple-tree and Apples». - «Rice of Russia». 1998. V.6. № 3 (17). P.12-13. (Rus.).
20. Alyoshina
N.V., Alyoshina N.N., Alyoshin N.E. «Biblical
Garden. Communication 6: She-apple-tree and He-apple-tree». - «Rice of
Russia». 1998. V.6. № 3 (17).P.14-15. (Rus.).
21. Alyoshina N.V. «Biblical Garden. Communication 8: Dancing Tree». - «Rice of Russia». 1998. V.6. № 3
(17). P. I, III (jacket).
22. «Biblia. Books of the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testament in the
Church - Slavonic, Language». Moscow.
Russian Biblical Society. 1993. 1672 pp. (Printed in typ. Sanct Michael
Print. Mikkely. Finland. Reprint edition with
blessing of the
Patriarch Alexius II from the second Saint - Petersburg ed. of 1900). (In
Church - Slavonic with
Rus. Notes).
23. Alyoshin N.E., Avakyan E.R. «Rice in the Tibetan Lamaistic Cult Statuette». -Bui. sci.- tech. inf. of the all - Union Rice Res. Inst. Iss.38.
Krasnodar. 1989. P.74-77. (Rus.).
24. Granin D.A. «Zuhr».
Moscow. Izvestiya Ed. 1987.
240 pp. (Rus.).
25. Fountain Jeff. «Hope's Radical Legacy - the Transformation Influence of Judaeo - Christian
«Concept of Hope on Europe's Identity». Paper, presented at the International
Symposium «2000 Years of Christianity and It's Contribution to Medicine,
Science and Society». Yalta. 20-23
May. 1998.
26. Alyoshina
N.V., Alyoshin N.E. «Biblical
Garden. Communication 9: Biota of Jo-nab). - «Rice of Russia». 1998. V.6. № 3
(17). P.18-19. (Rus.).
27. Strong J. «A.
Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Hebrew Bible; with their Renderings in the Authorized English Version».
E.E. Gaddy and Associates, Inc. -Publishers. Keene. Texas. USA. 1982. 128 pp.
In: «Holy Bible. Giant print. Red letter edition. Old and New Testaments. King
James Version. Referenced with Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries from Strong's
Concordance». Seminars Unlimited Ed. (with
E.E. Gaddy and Associates, Inc.). Keene. Texas. USA. 1982.
1826 pp. (+ X, + 128,
+ 80, + 10 pp.). (Watch p.109 HD - № 7451 and p. 110 HD - № 7489).
28. Shakespeare W. «Hamlet». In: «The Riverside SHAKESPEARE». Houghton Mifflin Company.
Boston, etc., 1974,1932 pp.; pp.1135-1197, (p.l 151).
■ Krasnodar.
15.03. - 29.03.
Dr. J. L. B. Smith made the 2nd in significance biological discovery of the XX century (the 1st one is the discovery of DNA structure by Watson and Crick): Smith discovered "the Old Fourlegs" - the alive Crossopterygian Coelacanth and his "Lost World" in the waters of Anjouan island. It appeared, that Coelacanth is not the ancestor of the tetrapods (including hominids), who had died out 50 million years ago. No, not at all. Coelacanth is rather a quick our contemporary. Smith described two species and two genera of Coelacanth: Latimeria (to honour mrs. M. Latimer, who had found the 1st specimen of the fish, determined by Smith, as Coelacanth) and Malania (to honour the ardent Calvinist, South Africa prime-minister Dr. Malan, who made the research of Smith possible). Enviers of Smith, however, declare that Malania genus and species do not exist, and all the existing Crossopterygians belong to genus Latimeria. This situation is well corresponding with the one, which has been depicted by Alyoshin, considering the species of rice.
ОтветитьУдалитьFrom the letter of Yves Sillard (former Director General of the French Institute of Oceanography; commander of the French cosmodrome in Kourou, Guiana; Deputy NATO General Secretary for Science and Environment) to N. E. Alyoshin (09 December 1999): "I am agree with Your original idea to present the biological species and their evolution, as the dynamic image of the Absolute Creation".
ОтветитьУдалитьFrom the letter of Hans-Adam II (the Prince of the sovereign principality of Liechtenstein) to N. E. Alyoshin (12 November 1999): "Thank You very much for the material that You have sent to me".