1 января 2022 г.




Press release 255 E


1. On Saturday 25 December 2021 a 19-years Sikh Jaswant Cheil trespassed into the Windsor Castle (England), having the arbalest and wanting to kill the Queen, who met there the Christmas. He was captured by the police.

2. The event with the Queen gave us a clear lesson: the English authorities used to fight with the Khalifate and its’ fans only straight police methods, while they are to use my peacemaking discoveries and methods (http://isaurian.blogspot.com/2017/05/peacemaking-discoveries-and-methods.html#more).

3. God bless all the readers and executioners of this press release!

4. Peace unto you! (John, 20:19)


Professor N. E. Alyoshin

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