Биография Николая Евгеньевича Алёшина

Алёшин Николай Евгеньевич (род. 23 сентября 1954 года в Краснодаре, СССР) — учёный, религиозный и общественный деятель.


1977 — окончил биологический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета, Краснодар (диплом с отличием специалиста «биолог, преподаватель биологии и химии»).
1982 — кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (растениеводство, кремниевое удобрение риса; диплом Университета Дружбы Народов, Москва; утверждён ВАК СССР).

1996 — доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (селекция и семеноводство, кремниефильность риса, диплом ВАК РФ).

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1 июля 2019 г.


Press release 228 E

1. On 20 June 2019 the straight line with President Putin took place. Any person had the possibility to call to him or to send a message or an e-mail.

2. I used the possibility through the telephone number 8-800-200-40-40. My question was the following: “When will the historic German Lutheran Evangelical kirche in Krasnodar (Oktyabrskaya str., 51) be returned to the German Lutheran Evangelical community?”
3. During Stalin era this kirche was confiscated and has not yet been returned to the Germans. The solving of this problem could have improved the relations between Russia and Germany. In April this year I picked up this question during the meeting with the German Ambassador in Russia Ruediger von Fritsch (http://isaurian.blogspot.com/2019/05/meeting-with-german-ambassador.html#more) and gave him printed by Germans post cards with the picture of the kirche (http://isaurian.blogspot.com/2013/10/putin-merkel-kirche-sehen.html#more).
4. Ruediger von Fritsch promised to speak about kirche with the Krasnodar Territory Governor V. Kondratyev and spoke with him. But the problem has not yet been solved.
5. God bless Russia! God bless Germany!
Peace upon you! (John, 20:19)

Professor N. E. Alyoshin    

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