Биография Николая Евгеньевича Алёшина

Алёшин Николай Евгеньевич (род. 23 сентября 1954 года в Краснодаре, СССР) — учёный, религиозный и общественный деятель.


1977 — окончил биологический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета, Краснодар (диплом с отличием специалиста «биолог, преподаватель биологии и химии»).
1982 — кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (растениеводство, кремниевое удобрение риса; диплом Университета Дружбы Народов, Москва; утверждён ВАК СССР).

1996 — доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (селекция и семеноводство, кремниефильность риса, диплом ВАК РФ).

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10 февраля 2016 г.


Press release 190 E

1. “Alive after his passion” (Acts, 1:3) – this Biblical verse is the true essence of my own testimony about the Christians to be tormented in Russian prisons. The evidence (including photos) can be seen further.

2. In 1999 the dark forces arrested me and kept me in prison since 08 April till 09 September. The essence of my process and the absurdity of the accusations were in details described by A. Shchipkov – the most influential Russian journalist for religious affairs (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2013/07/blog-post_14.html#more). In 1999 he was working for the Keston Institute (UK); his article was published in the federal Russian newspapers and foreign media, which was a very significant support to me.
3. The dark forces tried “to break” me psychologically and morally. With this aim they organized the most flagrant violation of the Russian law (and, therefore, of my civil rights). The violation was the following one: according to the Russian Criminal Process Code the arrested person must be interrogated in the special room in a prison, where the arrested one is kept. But the obscurant boneheads decided to interrogate me in the office of the investigator and to lead me there through the city by feet, fastened with the handcuffs to the other arrested one, and under the armed police convoy. The boneheads thought, I should be psychologically broken, if the people, who knew me very well (the world-known scientist, religious and public figure), saw me in the street, walking in handcuffs.
4. The boneheads stupidly thought, I was their captive. They did not understand, that I was the captive of Christ Jesus in His triumphal procession. Indeed, the Holy Spirit says through the apostle: “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ” (NKJV, 2 Cor., 2:14). The original Koine text for “to lead us in triumph” has the verb “thriambeuo”, which literally means “to lead as a captive in a triumphal procession”. The boneheads did not understand, that it was the honor for me to be a part of the Christ’s triumphal procession.
5. Even more, the Holy Spirit through the apostle says also: “God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle (Koine: “theatron”, i. e. “theater”) unto the world, and to angels, and men” (KJV, 1 Cor., 4:9). And it was a theater and a spectacle, indeed! Dozens of believers to support me were standing along all the way, I was to walk in the handcuffs. One by one they jumped out of bushes or from behind trees and shouted: “The Lord liveth, and thy soul liveth!” (KJV, 1 Sam., 20:3). They also made the photos of our procession. Three such photos (July 1999, I am in the green t-shirt) one can see further.

6. The supporters to meet and follow me during the named spectacle belonged to four main groups. The first one consisted of the members of different congregations of Russian Evangelical Christian Missionary Union (ECMA), which is the member of the World Commonwealth of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA, Colorado, USA). The All-Russia council of the ECMA determined me as “the victim of religious and political repressions” and issued the special document on my case. The document was signed personally by the ECMA president P. Botanov. With this document the ECMA entrusted a well-known church lawyer A. M. Antipyonok to be my church advocate. Bro Antipyonok also was among those, who followed our “triumphal processions”.
7. The second one consisted of members of the Krasnodar branch of the German mission “Licht im Osten” (“Light in the East”), connected with Zorn brothers (the German publicators of the “New Geneva Study Bible”, Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia, etc. in Russian), Leo Martensson (the German and Swedish missionary in Krasnodar), Russian Eropkins family. Later Krasnodar branch of the named mission was liquidated; Leo was arrested and deported from Russia.
8. The third group presented the Krasnodar Territory branch of the Christian Democratic party of Russia (later this party was dissolved and prohibited by Russian authorities). The leader of that branch was bro N. G. Plutenko (a known religious dissident, not once arrested and searched in Soviet era), who brought the party members to meet me in the street. Among them were Plutenko’s deputy N. I. Krainyukova and his assistant N. I. Zakharova. After such public activity Plutenko not once was detained by the Russian police (in bullet-proof vests, with submachine-guns, as if he was a very dangerous horrorist). Bro Plutenko later left Russia and received the US citizenship. He lives now in Seattle. N. I. Krainyukova is now the leader of the Krasnodar congregation of the Russian United Methodist Church. N. I. Zakharova left Russia and lives now in Turkey.
9. The fourth group was organized by a personal assistant of Yushenkov. Being the deputy of the State Duma (lower chamber of the Russia Parliament), Yushenkov specially sent his assistant to support my liberation. Yushenkov later became famous for spreading in Russia the book and video film of Litvinenko about Moscow houses explosions. Soon after this Yushenkov was shot dead in Moscow. In some years Litvinenko in London was poisoned with Polonium.
10. Now about a bro, whom with I was fastened with handcuffs. He was the horror of all the prison; even the most dangerous criminals were afraid of him. During the Afghan war this man commanded the Soviet special forces striking platoon and was the expert in “liquidating of the alive force of the enemy” with a dagger. Having return to Russia and knowing only one profession – to cut throats – he continued to solve all his problems with his dagger. He personally murdered 53 human beings. The dark forces put him into my prison cell to frighten me. These boneheads did not know, “that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose” (KJV, Rom., 8:28). The named murderer was severely tortured with insomnia: the demons in the form of shadows of the killed by him people used to come to him during the night and to torment him. He screamed horribly during these visions. Such a torment is usual for the serial murderers. Bring to remembrance, e. g., the lines of Shakespeare: “Still it cried, “Sleep no more!” to all the house; “Glamis hath murther’d sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more – Macbeth shall sleep no more” (Macbeth, II, ii, 38-40). I told him, that the Lord had revealed me, that through repentance, immersion and my prayers he would again receive his peace and slumber. We prayed together, I immersed him, and his demons were exorcised – he received a sweet gift of slumber again. Since that moment he had become a volunteer body-guard of me. And even the most dirty scoundrels in his presence were silent and dared not to interrupt my preachment. During our walking with our handcuffs connected hands I suggested him to pick up our fastened hands to show, that we had not been broken, that we had been continuing to serve the Christ. The moment of our picking hands up can be seen on the first and second photos. It was, indeed, not only a theater or a spectacle – it was the real manifestation of our “thanks to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (KJV, 1 Cor., 15:57).
11. Seeing the results of our processions, the bonehead investigators decided to stop the practice of the public demonstration of me in the streets. However they invented a new torment: during interrogations they began to hang me, fastening me with the handcuffs to a special bar under the ceiling in such a way, that my toes were about five centimeters above the floor. With this method the boneheads did not receive any result to confirm their delirium accusations. Quite on the contrary, they confirmed my position. I was not the first religious figure to be hanged. The Holy Ghost says through the apostle about Jesus: “whom ye hanged on a tree” (KJV, Acts, 5:30). The bonehead Pharisees and gentiles thought, that hanging of Jesus would eliminate Him totally. But the will of God was the other: Jesus was, and is, and shall be forever “the way, the truth, and the life” (KJV, John, 14:6). Therefore, being hanged, I literally felt with all my body, that I was in the true way and life. Even more, the dark forces with hanging me, decorated me with the stigmata signs: the scars and stigmatic pains in the wrists and feet of mine, which I have the honor to carry until now.
12. The tormenting me paynims continued their demoniac attempts to break me: they even tortured with electrical shocks. I received five such shocks in the prison. And after the last one I passed through the clinical death. The pagans did not understand, that in such a torment they honored me with the immersion into the death of Christ. Indeed, “know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” (KJV, Rom., 6:3). It is a great honor to feel the truth of the Scripture: “by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature” (KJV, 2 Pet., 1:4). In Koine the word, which in KJV is given, as “nature”, is, in fact, “physeoos”. The heathen gave me the possibility to feel the death of Christ not only spiritually, but even physically.
13. Jesus promises: “Because I live, ye shall live also” (KJV, John, 14:19). And He returned me to life. In the absolute darkness, concentrating “skotos” (LXX, Genesis, 15:12), “gnophos” (LXX, Exodus, 14:20), “zophos” (Koine, 2 Pet., 2:4) and “skias thanatou” (LXX, Ps. 22:4), I was given the vision: a silver wing with golden feathers, moving along my body, every cell of which was feeling the returning of the life. It was the visualization and sensualization of the truth of the Holy Scripture: “Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold” (KJV, Ps. 68:13). And the voice of His ordered me: “Arise and immerse!”
Being in prison, I have immersed 42 human beings. In total since 1999 our brotherhood and mission have immersed more, than 2 000 persons. Sure, we are not so effective, as apostle Peter, who had immersed 3 000 souls in one day (Acts, 2:41). But we continue to work in Christ’s peace and joy, because we remember the words of Jesus: “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (KJV, 2 Cor., 12:9).
14. Alive after the passions I am saved to serve the Savior. Many people (especially those to be persecuted on religious basis) used to ask me: “Are you not afraid of ministering in modern Russia?”
I used to reply: “The idolatric iconworshipping ethnics have killed me once. What else can they do?”
“In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me” (KJV, Ps. 56:11). It is said also: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (KJV, Rom., 8:31).
15. God is great! (LXX, Ps. 85:10)
      Peace unto you! (KJV, John, 20:19)

Professor     N.  E.  Alyoshin

1 комментарий:

  1. Приветствую Вас, дорогой брат во Христе! Для меня стало большой честью знакомство с Вами, а ваша отзывчивость к нуждам неизвестных Вам людей (меня лично) произвела на меня огромное впечатление. Особенно, когда мне стала известна Ваша потрясающая биография! Мои родители, кстати, тоже работали в ВНИИ Риса. Мама была лаборантом, а отец был личным водителем заместителя возглавлявшего на тот момент институт Алёшина Евгения Павловича. Однажды возвращавшись из командировки, мой отец попал в аварию, в результате которой погиб. Это был далёкий 1981-й год, мне было тогда 4 месяца… А в 1999 году, когда против Вас силы тьмы применили арест и пытки, я испытывал преследования и дискриминацию (побои и издевательства) за веру от офицеров и прапорщиков воинских частей, в которых мне довелось служить: «Да и все, желающие жить благочестиво во Христе Иисусе, будут гонимы» (2 Тим. 3,12).

    Ваш блог оказался для меня и моего окружения очень интересен! В христианской среде остро обсуждаются вопросы происхождения и креационизма. Ваши же публикации затрагивают и эту тему, как-то публикация о Вашем прочтении книги Ч. Дарвина в оригинале. Также интересна текстология (койне), с которой Вы работаете в публикациях. Блог непременно станет ещё более читаемым.

    И ещё отдельное Вам спасибо за рекомендацию книги «Этика» Дитриха Бонхёффера, одного из авторов, которые произвели на меня огромное впечатление и воздействие.

    Будьте благословенны!

    Червоношапка Сергей
