Биография Николая Евгеньевича Алёшина

Алёшин Николай Евгеньевич (род. 23 сентября 1954 года в Краснодаре, СССР) — учёный, религиозный и общественный деятель.


1977 — окончил биологический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета, Краснодар (диплом с отличием специалиста «биолог, преподаватель биологии и химии»).
1982 — кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (растениеводство, кремниевое удобрение риса; диплом Университета Дружбы Народов, Москва; утверждён ВАК СССР).

1996 — доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (селекция и семеноводство, кремниефильность риса, диплом ВАК РФ).

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25 марта 2013 г.


On the photo (left to right): sheikh Farid Rashidi (the spiritual leader of the Afghan diaspora in Krasnodar), chaplain N. E. Alyoshin, sheikh Bakhtiyor Shirinov (the spiritual leader of the Tajik diaspora in Krasnodar). Photo watch further.


Press release № 103 E

1. I was invited to greet the Navruz (Middle East feast of a new year to begin with the vernal equinox) meeting of Tajik and Afghan congregations of Krasnodar on 22.03.2013. There were about 300 participants at the meeting, including sheikh Bakhtiyor Shirinov (Tajiks), sheikh Farid Rashidi (Afghans), general Poyandashoev and 50 Tajik cadets of the military aviation university of Krasnodar, the representatives of the Tajik Embassy in Russia, the officials of Krasnodar Territory and city administration. Sheikh Rashidi was dismissed from the position of the Krasnodar Territory and Adyg Republic vice-mufti with the decision of the local police, but he continues to be the Afghan congregation chief. The house and office of shekh Shirinov was also searched by the police. Therefore, it was a must for me to support them. Further read the text of my greeting, which was heartily met by the participants (sheikh Shirinov named N. E. Alyoshin “brother”, and sheikh Rashidi again publicly named him “the teacher” – “domlah”).

23 марта 2013 г.


This article was written in the most obscure time, when it was clear, that dark forces were preparing the arrest of N. E. Alyoshin. The article was published by his friends and disciples in the journal "Rice of Russia" 1999, v. 7, № 1 (18), p. 29 - 49.

This jounal issue was printed in fact undergroundly - when N. E. Alyoshin was in prison. The publication was the unique act of the moral support for the arrested scientist. Lower we put the copy of the article, having been made from one of the existing journal exemplars.


Эта статья была написана в самое мрачное время, когда было ясно, что тёмные силы готовят арест Н. Е. Алёшина. Она была опубликована друзьями и учениками последнего в журнале "Рис России" 1999, т. 7, № 1 (18), с. 9 - 28.

Этот выпуск журнала был напечатан фактически подпольно - когда Н. Е. Алёшин находился в тюрьме. Публикация была уникальным актом моральной поддержки арестованному ученому. Ниже приводим копию статьи, сделанную с одного из сохранившихся экземпляров журнала.


Yves Sillard, who was NATO assistant Secretary General for science and environment and the former commander of the Kourou cosmodrome and the director of the Oceanography Insitute, named after Jacques Yves Cousteau, wrote some letters to N. E. Alyoshin (e. g. http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2013/03/darwin-species-bible.html#more). One of his letters read further.

20 марта 2013 г.


Press release № 102 E

1. Prophaners teach, that the Romans came to Jerusalem as aggressors, invaders and conquerors. The Divine Revelation shows that such position is the lie.

12 марта 2013 г.


Press release № 101 E

1. Anti-paulinists say the Bible epistle to Hebrews was not written by Paul. Their main arguments are following: at first, Paul used to sign all his epistles with his own name, while “Hebrews” is not signed with the name of Paul; at second, anti-paulinists are sure, that “Hebrews” differs from the Paul’s epistles lexicologically. The God Almighty has revealed to me, that those arguments are lie.

2 марта 2013 г.

Ziden Nutt Letter

Ziden Nutt - the founder of the famous missions corporation "Good News Productions International". He was acquainted with N. E. Alyoshin through Charles Duke - the NASA austronaut, the commander of one of the Lunar expeditions. Duke, having become the Evangelical Christian Missionary, had visited Krasnodar in December 1989, where he had met N. E. Alyoshin. 
The letter of Ziden Nutt read further.

1 марта 2013 г.

Amb. Mahdi I. Mohamed Letter

Mahdi Ibrahim Mohammed - the Sudan member of Parliament, the former Ambassador of Sudan in the USA positively accepted the N. E. Alyoshin discovery of the Biblical prophecy about Koran (http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2012/07/biblical-prophecy-about-koran.html#more) during the 2012 Berlin Gathering and received as a gift the volumes of Septuagint and KJV Bible. The letter of his read further.