Биография Николая Евгеньевича Алёшина

Алёшин Николай Евгеньевич (род. 23 сентября 1954 года в Краснодаре, СССР) — учёный, религиозный и общественный деятель.


1977 — окончил биологический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета, Краснодар (диплом с отличием специалиста «биолог, преподаватель биологии и химии»).
1982 — кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (растениеводство, кремниевое удобрение риса; диплом Университета Дружбы Народов, Москва; утверждён ВАК СССР).

1996 — доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (селекция и семеноводство, кремниефильность риса, диплом ВАК РФ).

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7 апреля 2016 г.


Press release 192 E
1. On the photo: professor N. E. Alyoshin to make his report on Ghazaiye (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2012/08/ghazaiye-and-biblical-prophecy-about.html#more) during the World Turkological Congress 23 May 2008. The explanation read further.

2. The named Congress took place at the Turkish and Crimea Tatarian languages and literature faculty of the Crimean Industrial Pedagogical University (trivially named “the Crimea Tatarian University”), Simferopol, Crimea. On the photo one can see the section session in the room of the Crimea Tatarian literature department. The portrait of Ataturk is seen on the wall. The scientists from the Turko-Tatar regions of the former USSR, from the Turkish republic, the Turkish one of the North Cyprus and the consul of Turkey took part in the Congress.
3. N. E. Alyoshin was there the only representative of Christians and of the USA organizations, being the chaplain-director of the Mission in Russia of the American Rehabilitation Ministry and Bible Academy (www.ARM.org). In some days after the Congress he made the same report at the International Conference on the Christian worldview (Alushta, South bank of Crimea; the organizers – the Crimea-American college and different American, French, German, Russian and Ukrainian Christian Missions). Both – the Congress and the conference – very positively accepted the report. Therefore, it was the real peacemaking action – the bridge between Christians and Moslems.
4. The additional readings of the named report were organized in Crimea Republican Museum of Crimea Tatars Arts and in the Crimea Republican Crimea Tatars Library.
5. One of significant results of the named report at the congress was my acquaintance with Ali-bey Hamzin. He was (and is) the chief of the International Relations Directorate of the Crimea Tatars Kurultay and of the Crimea Tatars World Congress. He is a known researcher to study the heritage of Ismail Gasprinskiy (Ismail-bey Gaspiraly) – the famous enlightener of the Crimea Tatars, writer, thinker, the founder of the concept of Panturkism. Hamzin also is known with his discovery of one of the spiritual treasures of Crimea Tatars (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2012/03/blog-post_12.html#more; http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2012/08/avdet-berlin-putin.html#more).
6. Ali-bey was present at my report. Having heard it, he invited me to be the “junior consultant” of his directorate. This invitation is very understandable: Ali-bey is flexible enough in the sphere of religion. He was born in the charity house of the “black” Ismailis mosque in Fergana valley (now – Uzbekistan); he has good contacts with the Sunni mufti of Crimea, as well as with the Sufis; he also accepted the New Testament in Crimea Tatarian language, as a gift from me. He suggested me to be the “junior consultant”, because his directorate receives the consultations from the very important persons: diplomats from the Western embassies in Ukraine, from OSCE, from UN, from the Berlin Open University. Sure, I am the smallest (in Latin – “paulus”) one among those important figures. Therefore, as a true humble Christian, I accepted this funny title from Ali-bey.
7. Hamzin was eagerly seeking for the operable clear formula for the ideological and theological basis for his directorate activity. The elaboration of such a formula is one of the main results of my “junior consultations”. I suggested to use, as such the formula, the fusion of two ideas of Gasprinskiy. They are following. The first one: Gasprinskiy declared, that the traditional Sufi Islam of Crimea had been established in XVI century A. D. by two Sufi sheikhs of Nakshbandiya dervish order, having come to Crimea from Bukhara (now – Uzbekistan). He also was connected with the Mevlevi Sufi dervish order of Sublime Porte. The second one: Gasprinskiy had invented the so called “new method” (in Arabic – “jadid”) of studying of the Koran and Islam. Thus, he became the founder of “Jadidism” – the religious, ideological, philosophical movement to fuse the Islam with the European science and thought advances (today the result of such a fusion is called the “Euroislam”). Having used the named two ideas of Gaspiraly as the major and minor premises of the syllogism, I received the conclusion to be the sought formula: “the Sufi Jadidism”.
8. Having received the formula, Ali-bey exclaimed: “Dear bro Nicholas! The Allah Himself has sent you to me!”.
My ideas were also positively accepted by such world-known Moslems, as Crimea Tatars leaders – Mustafa-aga Jemilev (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2014/07/jemilev-to-alyoshin.html#more); Refat-bey Chubarov (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2012/07/with-refat-bey-chubarov-25072012_29.html#more) and Dr. Alife-khanum Yashlavskaya – the keeper of the Mevlevi order dervish abode (“tekiye-dervish”) in Evpatoria (in Crimea Tatarian – “Kezlev”), master-sufi, the bikech (the princess) of one of the six Crimea Tatarian beyliks (princedoms) – Yashlav.
9. In connection with the international conflict around Crimea some orientalists express the opinion, that Mustafa Jemilev is the agent of the Turkish Government and even of its’ intelligence. I must say, that the scholars, enthused with the ideas of panturkism, put Jemilev (the world-known dissident to encounter the Soviet communist atheism with the panturkism) in one row with Gasprinskiy (the founder of the theoretical panturkism) and Ataturk (the practical founder of the national Turkish state). Consequently, such scholars are sure, that it is the Turkish state (with its’ intelligence) to serve Jemilev to realize his projects, and not vice versa.
10. I am also glad to note, that my ideas were supported not only by the Turkish and Tatarian Moslems, but also by the Koran believers from:
11. Therefore, the report on Ghazaiye and the “Sufi Jadidism” formula are the true peacemaking fruits of the scientific research of the Crimea Tatars spiritual heritage (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2014/02/peacemaking-effect.html#more; http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2014/03/crimea-crisis-peacemaking-ways.html#more) and of the general comparative study of the Bible and Koran mystical prophetical theology.
12. God is great! (Ps. 86:10)
      Peace unto you! (John, 20:19)

Professor  N. E. Alyoshin

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