Биография Николая Евгеньевича Алёшина

Алёшин Николай Евгеньевич (род. 23 сентября 1954 года в Краснодаре, СССР) — учёный, религиозный и общественный деятель.


1977 — окончил биологический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета, Краснодар (диплом с отличием специалиста «биолог, преподаватель биологии и химии»).
1982 — кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (растениеводство, кремниевое удобрение риса; диплом Университета Дружбы Народов, Москва; утверждён ВАК СССР).

1996 — доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (селекция и семеноводство, кремниефильность риса, диплом ВАК РФ).

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22 сентября 2016 г.


Press release 198 E
1. On the photo one can see professor N. E. Alyoshin and Alexander Shchipkov. The explanations read further.

2. Alexander Shchipkov is the son of the famous Soviet religious dissidentess (the Orthodox one), heavily persecuted during the communist era. In 1999 Shchipkov was the representative in Russia of the Keston Institute (United Kingdom) to monitor the situation with the religious freedoms. During my court process of 1999 (watch: http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2016/02/alive-after-his-passion.html#more) he visited Krasnodar, met my church advocate, wrote and published an article about me (http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2013/07/blog-post_14.html#more).
3. This article publication helped very much for my liberation. In 2002 Shchipkov was the moderator of the all-Russia “round table” on the cooperation of the state and the church and on the Protestantism in Russia. He invited me to take part in the “round table” and to speak at it. The photo was done on the fields of the “round table”.
4. Later he even published my report at that “round table” (http://isaurian.blogspot.ru/2012/10/blog-post_7.html#more). In this report I invented the formula: “The Orthodox Russia is not a Russia. The Orthodox Russia is the civil war in Russia”.
5. Since that time Shchipkov was slowly moving to the “hurray-patriotic” position and in 2016 he was appointed to be the vice-leader of the Department for the relations with mass-media and society of the Moscow Patriarchate. I am sure, it was the Divine Action – to give me the contact in the highest circle of the Moscow Patriarchate management. Alleluia!

Professor N. E. Alyoshin   

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