Биография Николая Евгеньевича Алёшина

Алёшин Николай Евгеньевич (род. 23 сентября 1954 года в Краснодаре, СССР) — учёный, религиозный и общественный деятель.


1977 — окончил биологический факультет Кубанского Государственного Университета, Краснодар (диплом с отличием специалиста «биолог, преподаватель биологии и химии»).
1982 — кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук (растениеводство, кремниевое удобрение риса; диплом Университета Дружбы Народов, Москва; утверждён ВАК СССР).

1996 — доктор сельскохозяйственных наук (селекция и семеноводство, кремниефильность риса, диплом ВАК РФ).

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27 сентября 2014 г.



1. The international diplomatic coalition of 30 states was created to counteract the new khalifate during the special conference in the French Presidential Palace in Paris on 15 September 2014. It includes France, USA, UK, Germany and even Russia (which was invited in spite of the Ukraine and Crimea crises). Then the USA created the broader international military coalition of 50 states to begin the “hot war” to demolish the khalifate (of them only US, France and Shiah Iraqi troops with the Yezidic Kurdish militia have really begun the military actions). These steps obviously are not effective and, may be, even counter-productive. The reasons of such a conclusion are given further.

2. The khalifate is not a mere military either political or diplomatic phenomenon. It is the theological one. It exists in the beliefs and minds of the khalifate idea adepts. Therefore, even in the case of a total destruction of the khalifate military and political system it will continue to exist inside the heads of thousands of the US, UK, French, German, etc. citizens, who will go on fighting straightly inside those countries.
3. The cause of such a situation is in the essence of the khalifate idea. The Arabic word “khalif” (Arabic pronunciation “khalifa”) means “the deputy” (of the prophet or of the envoy of the God Almighty). It is equal in meaning to the word “vicar”. As the Roman Pope names himself “the vicar of Jesus Christ”, so the khalif is the today deputy or the actual vicar of the prophet Muhammad. Thus, the idea of khalifate means, that every Moslem must fulfill all the commandments of the acting khalif, considering it to be the religious duty, the breaking of which must be punished with death.
4. Consequently, the counteraction to the khalifate must have the theological basis. We have here the wonderful historical example. The Ottoman Emperor Suleiman the Magnificent, who also called himself “the khalif”, brought the khalifate armies straightly into the heart of Europe during his reign (1520 – 1566). This terrible invasion made Charles V – the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire – adopt the Augustan Confession (Augsburg, 1530), written by Melanchthon, and stop the persecution of the Protestants (in order to have the military and diplomatic anti-khalifate coalition with the Protestant princes). Doctor Martin Luther (the spiritual and theological leader of the Reformation, the professor of the University in Wittenberg) managed to explain to that coalition leaders, that for the effective actions they need understand the theology and ideology of the khalifate. Therefore, Luther suggested to print (with the that time most progressive technology, using the Gutenberg machine) the Koran in Latin (translated in XI century by the famous Benedictine Peter of Cluny). This suggestion had been approved by the Emperor and all the princes, and 1000 copies of the Koran in Latin appeared in 1534 in Wittenberg. All the European princes, all the known theologists and Universities received their own copies of the Koran in an understandable for all educated people language. Thus, Luther, who is known, as the publicator of the first printed Bible in German, is also the publicator of the first printed Koran in the European language. I had a privilege to work with the volume of this splendid edition in 2012 in the Wittenberg Luther-house. For sure, Luther criticized the Koran theology (e.g., in the rather severe preface to the named edition), but, in any case, his publication was the beginning of mutual understanding through the dialogue (though, may be, extramural and unformalized) between Christians and Moslems, between Bible-readers and Koran-readers.
5. Today I also suggest to have such a dialogue through the study of the Bible-Koran interactions and through discussing them in the specially organized Bible-Koran seminars (watch: “Peacemaker”, isaurian.blogspot.com, 25 September 2012; “Biblical prophecy about Islam”, isaurian.blogspot.com, 03 August 2014). Indeed, I have discovered, that the Bible contains the prophecies about Koran and about Islam, while the Koran expounds the Tovrat (Torah), Zabur (Psalter), all the Bible prophets’ books and Injil (New Testament). Koran calls to read and to use all those books, prescribing, sure, the special method of reading or frame of reading (“Koran” means “reading”). This situation gives a very wide possibility for a dialogue, for a scientific, theological and peacemaking discussion.
6. The invasion to Europe of khalif Suleiman caused the peace between Catholics and Protestants, the beginning of the theological dialogue between Christians and Moslems and theologically based effective counteraction to the khalifate threat. Today it is obviously necessary to use my discoveries and suggested by me practical methods of the Bible-Koran interactions based dialogue to counteract the threat of the modern khalifate, to prevent the explosion of the khalifate adepts’ terror, to establish the firm peace on the Earth!
7. The Holy Spirit through Paul calls us: “Imitatores mei estote sicut et ego christi” (V, 1 Cor., 4:16), i.e. “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ”. Today we call all the leaders of the states of the anti-khalifate coalitions: “Imitate Emperor Charles V to use the theological methods of Luther to counteract the khalifate! Use the Bible discoveries and the theologically based practical methods of N. E. Alyoshin to counteract the modern khalifate threat!’
8. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew, 11:15).
9. Peace unto you! (John, 20:19)

Professor   Nicholas Eugene Alyoshin

(Aleshin Nikolay Evgenievich
blog: isaurian.blogspot.com)

9 комментариев:

  1. The Obama - Hollandes coalitions are, in fact, the 3-rd attempt of the West to organize the collective counteraction to khalifate. The 2-nd one was the attempt of Charles V. The 1-st one was the series of the medieval Crusades, connected with such names as Coeur-de-Lion, Barbarossa, Philip Augustus. N.B.: the Latin translation of the Koran, done by Peter of Cluny, had been the theological weapon for the crusaders, in 400 years it was used again by Charles V and Luther.

  2. The newly proclaimed khalif is named “Abu-Bakr al-Bagdadi”. It means, he tries to imitate the 1-st khalif, who had established the khalifate after the death of Muhammad and reined in 632 – 634 A. D. That ancient Abu-Bakr was the 1-st of all the khalifs and of the 4 first “righteous khalifs” (“walking with the right way” – in Arabic “al-khulafa ar-rashidun”). Abu-Bakr was the father of Muhammad’s best beloved wife Aisha. Thus, new Abu-Bakr pretends to have the right to re-establish the khalifate. In his previous life he was the Bagdad University theology professor. He was neither the military commander, nor diplomat, nor special service agent, nor politician. Who can stop the professor of theology? Obviously, the other professor of theology.
    NB: the surname of N. E. Alyoshin is descending from the Greek word “alaethinos” (“alaethinos Theos” – “the true God”, 1 John, 5:20).

  3. Two thirds of France were captured by khalifate. Only in 732 A.D., having won the battle of Tours (of Poitiers), Charles Martel arrested its’ invasion of Europe.

  4. Offa – the king of Mercia and East Anglia – coined in 774 A.D. the golden dinars, which were the copies of the ones of the Abbasid khalif al-Mansur. The coins of Offa, which are kept now in the British Museum, contain the inscriptions: “Offa Rex” and the complete declaration of faith in Arabic. Offa is the historical prototype of the main hero of “Beowulf”. That alliterative epic poem of the 8-th century A.D., which is the first significant text of the English literature, contains the theological passages very similar to the Koranic ones. This fact was shown in the famous Hollywood film about Beowulf – “The 13-th warrior”.

  5. The famous Russian text of the XV-th century A.D. “Hozhenie za tri morya” (“Travel over the three seas”) depicted the travel of Afanasiy Nikitin – a merchant from Tver (the city between today Petersburg and Moscow) – from that city to India. That text begins with the Russian transliteration of the Arabic pronunciation of the greeting: “By the name of God, merciful and gracious”.

  6. The mentioned in the previous comment greeting is, indeed, the Biblical one. E.g., watch: Exodus, 34:5: “proclaimed the name of the Lord”; Exodus, 34:6: “God, merciful and gracious”.

  7. Preach in Pakistan
    От кого: Pastor Charagh Roshan

    Dear in Christ Nekolai
    Greeting in the name of our saviour We are praying for you and your ministries Works that you are doing in the field of the Jesus Christ. We are working in rural areas in Pakistan. We are working on these ministries, Children Education , Youth,Sunday School , and Evangelism in outreach.

    Our prayers are with you that God prosper and expand your work in all over the world and we pray that the HOLY SPIRIT will be rest upon you like never before. Hallelujah Evangelical Church and 24/7 hours prayer centres for the whole world in Lahore Punjab Pakistan and Lord Use us in all over the Pakistan for the Preaching, Evangelical meetings, Church Plant and Leadership conference and also in Middle East areas.

    We are requesting you to come in country to win the lost souls of Pakistan at any cost. We invite you for the Pastors Leadership Conference and Healing Crusade together for the Glory of the Lord in , We are distribute the Holy Bible especially outreach areas and needy people. We will be very thankful if you give us the Blessed time and dates for the GOSPEL of JESUS in Punjab Pakistan and God wants to use you in Pakistan also and in Pakistan harvest is ready to reap lets do work together for HIS KINGDOM because Rapture of the Church is very closed.Punjab Pakistan
    ' Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land' Proverbs 25:25

    We are waiting your positive and blessed reply.

    “Please keep pray for me and my family may God keep us from evil and may God bless us in health, wealth and wisdom, for the glory of Jesus Christ.” Amen

    May God bless you richly according to this Promise

    Pastor Charagh Roshan
    Hallelujah Evangelistic Association
    P.O.Box 158

  8. Biblical is also the other famous exclamation. Watch Psalm 70:4 (LXX, Ps. 69:5): “God is great!”

  9. The same situation is also with the other famous greeting: “Peace unto you!” (John, 20:19). Even the declaration of faith is Biblical - it consists of the following parts: “The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy, 6:4) plus “Blessed (this is the meaning of the name) be he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Psalm 118:26; Luke, 19:38).
